型號: | STA-153 |
品牌: | STAHERB |
原產地: | 中國 |
類別: | 農業、食品 / 農產品及物資 / 植物提取物 |
標籤︰ | 虫草素98% , 虫草素98% , 虫草素98% |
虫草素學名為3"脫氧腺苷,是從蛹虫草中提取出來的一種天然生物活性物質。虫草素的分子式為CsHyON,相對分子質量為251.25,能溶于水,乙醇,虫草素為含氮配糖體的核酸啣生物,屬嘌呤類生物碱。虫草素是一種核甙類新藥.20 世紀70 年代被髮現有抑制腫瘤、抗瘧原虫和抑制mRNA 翻譯的作用:20 世紀90 年代研究發現,添加腺甙脫氨酶(adenosine dea minase,ADA)抑制劑對其抗腫瘤活性的表達起着重要作用。虫草素能幹擾基因細胞RNA 和DNA 的合成,抑制癌細胞等不正常細胞的分裂,並能作為區別細胞中不同的RNA 聚合酶的工具;同時,虫草素還表現出極強的抗真菌、抗HIV- I 型病毒和選擇性抑制梭菌的活性,引起醫藥學界的高度重視,虫草素在美國作為抗癌、抗病毒新藥已經進人三期臨末床.
Cordyceps Extract first gained recognition in the medical science field in the early 1990’s. A team of Chinese runners broke nine world records at the track and field championships held in Germany. The team’s coach later attributed this success to the team’s use of a Cordyceps based tonic that boosted levels of energy, vitality, endurance and stamina in the body. Thus resulting in Cordyceps being one of the top supplements used by world athletes today.
Cordyceps Extract is a confirmed source of anti-oxidants, polysaccharides, and a large host of other newly discovered nutritional compounds, plus certainly many others that are yet to be discovered.
Basic information:
Product name:Cordyceps extract mycelium
Active ingredients:Cordycepin
Apperance:White powder
Test method:HPLC
Functions of Cordyceps Extract Mycelium:
1.Cordyceps extract mycelium can enhance human immunity.
2.Cordyceps extract mycelium with the function of antineoplastic.
3.Cordyceps extract mycelium can increases energy level and reduces fatigue.
4.Cordyceps extract mycelium with the function of anti-aging, antibacterial and antiviral.
5.Cordyceps extract mycelium used to improve renal function, it can reduce the damage that toxic substances caused to the kidney.