型號: | - |
品牌: | TREMCO |
原產地: | 美國 |
類別: | 化工 / 膠黏劑 |
標籤︰ | - |
單價: |
/ 支
最少訂量: | 12 支 |
即時通訊: | 最後上線︰2024/04/07 |
TREMCO Proglaze ETA3-D Molded Corner Connections are engineered from 40 Durometer Dense Translucent Silicone used for making connections to our ExoAir Air Barrier Membrane systems with Spectrem 1 Silicone Sealant. The 3-D molded corners have been designed in such a way so that they may be used to overlap one another or used in conjunction with other Proglaze ETA components to accommodate complex transitions。(TREMCO Proglaze ETA3-D Molded Corners接頭由40硬度密半透明硅膠製成,用於連接我們的ExoAir空氣屏障膜系統和spectrm 1硅酮密封膠。3-D模塑角被設計成這樣的方式,使它們可以相互重疊或與其他Proglaze ETA組件一起使用,以適應複雜的過渡)
Basic Uses基本使用:
Proglaze ETA3-D Molded Corner Connections are designed to facilitate transitions when construction sequencing has the surrounding façade being installed prior to the wall or window system.(Proglaze ETA3-D模壓角連接的設計是為了便於在施工順序將週圍的立面安裝在牆壁或窗戶系統之前進行過渡。)
ETA is compatible with and recommended for use with all Tremco ExoAir Air Barrier products.(ETA與所有Tremco ExoAir空氣屏障產品兼容並推薦使用。)
Allows complex connections to the wall or window system, which may be recessed or set proud from the plane of the weather barrier surface.(允許與牆壁或窗戶系統進行複雜的連接,這些系統可以嵌入或從天氣屏障表面的平面上設置。)
Field fabrications of saddle-flashings.(鞍座閃光裝置的現場製造。)
Transitions the weather barrier across seismic drift joints at the heads of punched openings.(在穿孔孔頭部的地震漂移縫中過渡天氣屏障。)
Ability to create a flexible sill pan.(能夠創建一個靈活的平面。)
The translucent silicone in Proglaze ETA allows the installer and inspector to see through the gasket to verify that the recommended amount of sealant is properly applied to the surface. This allows the confirmation that an effective seal has been achieved. At the same time, the ribs included in the gasket’s design are able to ensure a minimum sealant thickness. The ribs on both surfaces allow the profile to be rotated in any position to prevent compressing the silicone sealant to a thin film at the bond surface. The material is easily trimmed to fit around projections, while allowing easy lap joints with Proglaze ETA connections.(Proglaze ETA中的半透明硅膠允許安裝人員和檢查人員透過墊片查看,以驗証推薦量的密封膠是否正確應用於表面。這樣可以確認有效的密封已經實現。同時,襯墊設計中的肋條能夠確保最小的密封膠厚度。兩個表面上的肋允許型材在任何位置旋轉,以防止在粘合表面將硅酮密封膠壓縮成薄膜。材料很容易修剪,以適應週圍的投影,同時允許輕鬆搭接與Proglaze ETA連接。)
1、Absorbs thermal movement(吸收熱運動)
2、Absorbs wind-loading stresses(吸收風荷載應力)
3、Spans and seals irregular window geometries(跨越和密封不規則的窗口幾何形狀)
4、Field fabrications of saddle-flashings(鞍座閃光裝置的現場製造)
A minimum contact area on ExoAir Air Barrier Membranes is 1", while a minimum of 3/8" contact area is acceptable on metal, Proglaze ETA extrusions and molded corners. Proglaze ETA is compatible with and recommended for use with all Tremco ExoAir Air Barrier products. Spectrem 1 is included in Proglaze ETA System 1 due to its exceptional performance when used on the polyethylene face of ExoAir 110, ExoAir 110AT, ExoAir TWF, and the cure surface of ExoAir 120, ExoAir 130, ExoAir 220, and ExoAir 230.(ExoAir空氣屏障膜的最小接觸面積為1",而金屬,Proglaze ETA擠出件和模塑角的最小接觸面積為3/8"。Proglaze ETA與所有Tremco ExoAir空氣屏障產品兼容並推薦使用。spectrum 1包含在Proglaze ETA System 1中,因為它在ExoAir 110, ExoAir 110AT, ExoAir TWF的聚乙烯表面以及ExoAir 120, ExoAir 130, ExoAir 220和ExoAir 230的固化表面上使用時具有優異的性能。)
The Greenguard Gold certification on Proglaze ETA ensures safety for use in the most sensitive indoor environments including hospitals and schools.(Proglaze ETA的Greenguard Gold認証確保了在最敏感的室內環境(包括醫院和學校)中使用的安全性。)
AVAILABILITY可用性:Available as part of project specific order. Contact Tremco Customer Service for more information.可作為項目特定訂單的一部分。有關更多信息,請聯繫Tremco客戶服務。
COLORS顏色:Available as a translucent material. Custom colors are available upon request. Contact Tremco Customer Service for more information.(可用作半透明材料。可根據要求定製顏色。有關更多信息,請聯繫Tremco客戶服務。)
LIMITATIONS限制:Not intended to be utilized in a permanently exposed condition unless approved by Tremco. Not intended as a seal to untested substrates.(除非Tremco批准,否則不打算在永久暴露的條件下使用。不適用於未測試基材的密封。)