型號: | ES-1 |
品牌: | 滿天路 |
原產地: | 德國 |
類別: | 建築、裝飾 / 其它建材 |
標籤︰ | 曲臂式遮陽篷 , 天頂式遮陽篷 , 窗式遮陽篷 |
單價: |
最少訂量: | - |
即時通訊: | 最後上線︰2019/04/18 |
The Folding arm Awning in Austenitic Stainless Steel markilux
®ES 1
Accorded the iF product design award for excellent industrial design
Roller and cover are completely enclosed by surrounding coverboard, giving the unit an even more “stainless steel look”
創新的設計,精良的選材——ES1可與您終生相伴!New, imperious, long lasting, the innovative awning you can pass on the next generation!