型號: | - |
品牌: | 佳美達 |
原產地: | 中國 |
類別: | 工藝、飾品 / 工藝品 / 民俗工藝品 |
標籤︰ | 防滑墊 , 無毒墊 , 塑膠桌墊 |
單價: |
/ 件
最少訂量: | 100 件 |
即時通訊: | 最後上線︰2022/05/31 |
產品規格︰ | 我廠生產: 餐墊,杯墊,鼠標墊,PP筆記本,PVC文件夾,PP彩盒/袋,PP書籤,PVC吊牌,PP卡頭,摩托車貼花,汽車貼花,不干膠貼花,節日貼花, 各種材質的:機器標牌,銘牌,面板,指示牌,廣告牌,電線電纜標牌,警示牌,樓層牌,科室牌,貴賓卡,胸牌,工作証, 對外加工:大麵積絲印,彩印,移印,滾印,熱轉印,水轉印,燙金,蝕刻平面,曲面印刷加工. 加工的產品材質有:PVC,PP,PET,PC,PO,PS,ABS,EVA,五金,塑膠,玻璃,波麗,木製品,蠟燭,壓克力(有機玻璃),皮具,玩具,文具,禮品等任何材質. Main service: Dining-table Mat, Glass Mat, Mouse Mat,PPcolor front cover , PP sack ,PP bookmark,PP/PVC box ,PP bookmark,PP elevator,PP elevator, PP relay drop,PP elevator,Christmas Decorations,Halloween Decorations,Easter Decorations,Different material quality:Machine panel,Nameplate,Index plate,Hoarding, Cable index plate,Plastics index plate. Processing Printing: Big area Wire Marks, Devolve printing,Surface of rolling, Hot transfer, Blanking processing ,etch, plana curved surface Processing Printing. Processing material: PVC, PP, PET, PC, PO, PS, ABS, EVA, metalline, plastic, vitreous, woodwork, wax candle,plaything, stationery, giving Any material quality surface printing processing |
產品優點︰ | 我廠生產: 餐墊,杯墊,鼠標墊,PP筆記本,PVC文件夾,PP彩盒/袋,PP書籤,PVC吊牌,PP卡頭,摩托車貼花,汽車貼花,不干膠貼花,節日貼花, 各種材質的:機器標牌,銘牌,面板,指示牌,廣告牌,電線電纜標牌,警示牌,樓層牌,科室牌,貴賓卡,胸牌,工作証, 對外加工:大麵積絲印,彩印,移印,滾印,熱轉印,水轉印,燙金,蝕刻平面,曲面印刷加工. 加工的產品材質有:PVC,PP,PET,PC,PO,PS,ABS,EVA,五金,塑膠,玻璃,波麗,木製品,蠟燭,壓克力(有機玻璃),皮具,玩具,文具,禮品等任何材質. Main service: Dining-table Mat, Glass Mat, Mouse Mat,PPcolor front cover , PP sack ,PP bookmark,PP/PVC box ,PP bookmark,PP elevator,PP elevator, PP relay drop,PP elevator,Christmas Decorations,Halloween Decorations,Easter Decorations,Different material quality:Machine panel,Nameplate,Index plate,Hoarding, Cable index plate,Plastics index plate. Processing Printing: Big area Wire Marks, Devolve printing,Surface of rolling, Hot transfer, Blanking processing ,etch, plana curved surface Processing Printing. Processing material: PVC, PP, PET, PC, PO, PS, ABS, EVA, metalline, plastic, vitreous, woodwork, wax candle,plaything, stationery, giving Any material quality surface printing processing |
參考單价︰ | 2.2-2.8 |
付款方式︰ | 現金 |
最小訂量︰ | 100 |
交貨日期︰ | 3-5天 |