![蘇州菲尼克斯質檢儀器有限公司 蘇州菲尼克斯質檢儀器有限公司](https://img.diytrade.com/smimg/1958022/28344512-10795345-5/%E8%98%87%E5%B7%9E%E8%8F%B2%E5%B0%BC%E5%85%8B%E6%96%AF%E8%B3%AA%E6%AA%A2%E5%84%80%E5%99%A8%E6%9C%89/6c1.jpg)
● 一家致力于火災及燃燒特性測試儀器設備的代理、研發、生產、銷售和服務的專業公司
A word wide professional company for fire and combustion characteristics of a dedicated test equipment agent、development、production、sales and services
● 提供火災及燃燒測試實驗室的規劃、設備選型、施工、技術支持、培訓等整體解決方案
Testing laboratory to provide fire and burning the planning, equipment selection, construction, technical support, training, the total solution
● 精研相關行業標準、熟悉中國市場、了解客戶需求、提供就近專業服務
Refinements of the relevant industry standards, familiar with the Chinese market, to understand customer needs, providing professional services to the nearest
● 引進國外先進產品技術:讓客戶的工作安全高效、測試數據更加精準
Introduction of foreign advanced product technology: allows customers to work safely and efficiently, more accurate test data
● 與多家國際國內專業科研院所技術合作;擁有強大的火災及燃燒特性測試儀器工程設計團隊
With several international and domestic professional research institutes and technical cooperation; has a strong fire and combustion characteristics of the test equipment engineering design team
● 富有激情和創