青島佳蘭美髮制品有限公司曾凱 (業務經理) |
Best quality: unprocessed Chinese, Indian, Burmese, Brazilian hair wigs, natural health, no shedding and no tangles, can straighten and perm. 頭髮密度:130%密度默認,150%180%可以定製。 頭髮顏色:自然色默認,#1,#1B,#2,#4,#6,#8無需額外費用,自然色可染色。 Hair density: 130% density default, 150% 180% can be customized. Hair color: natural color default, #1, #1B, #2, #4, #6, #8 no additional cost, natural color can be dyed. 帽尺寸:中等尺寸默認,小尺寸和大尺寸需要提前聯繫我們。 頭部周長:小的是21-21.5英吋,中等的是22-22.5英吋,大的是23-23.5英吋。 Cap size: medium size default, small size and large size need to contact us in advance. Head circumference: small is 21-21.5 inches, medium is 22-22.5 inches, and large is 23-23.5 inches. 蕾絲顏色:中棕色默認,淺棕色和深棕色需要提前聯繫我們。 易於穿着:無梳蕾絲假髮,梳子和可調節肩帶。 Lace color: Medium brown default, light brown and dark brown need to contact us in advance. Easy to wear: no comb lace wigs, combs and adjustable shoulder straps. 請提醒:我們為每位客戶提供30天的退款保証。 如果您不喜歡我們的產品,只需將其退回並保持原始狀態, 最新產品會員信息