深圳市浩力新材料技术有限公司杜鴻燦 (營銷副總) |
會員介紹![]() Shenzhen HOLEO New Material Technology Co. , Ltd. is a high-tech company locate in Shenzhen city and attach to Yunling Chemical group which has other 4 independent-owned enterprises such as Yunling(Guangzhou) Chemical Co. , Ltd. , Yunling(Shenzhen) Chemical Co. , Ltd. , Shenzhen Tongde Hot Melt Adhesive Co. , Ltd. and HOLEO(Kunshang) New Material Co. , Ltd. . After many years effort and development , Yunling Chemical group has grown to be a leading manufacture enterpraise in chemical field. 集團成立20多年來,致力于化工原材料及改性材料、民用膠粘劑與膠帶、工業膠粘劑、電子膠粘劑及新能源膠粘劑的研發與生產。在理念與實踐領域,都發展到了專業化、規模化、成熟化的階段,獲得了用戶高度信任與讚許。 Founded in 1995, we are focused on development and production of chemical raw and modified materials , household adhesive and tape, industrial adhesive , electronic adhesive and new energy adhesive. In theory and application fields , we have approached to 最新產品會員信息