佛山市南海區里水睿晟五金廠歐陽金箭 (業務經理) |
會員介紹![]() 我們廠建立于1988年,座落于佛山里水中心,與廣州等各大城市相鄰。地理位置優越,交通便利。 我們廠一向秉承着以“顧客至上,質量第一”為服務宗旨。從而在廣大客戶中憑着雄厚的實力,建立了有口皆碑的信譽。致使我們的客戶遍及北美、西歐及以東南亞各個地區,並一致到客戶的好評。我們擁有一支最好的技術團隊,擁有製作高精密生產機械和生產模具的能力。歡迎各商家來樣訂做相關的餐台、機械及五金產品。 睿晟五金與您攜手,共創美好明天。 Ruisheng Hardware Factory is professional manufacturer of superior ball bearing slides as table slides, drawer slides, door slides and in the machines as various ball bearing slide production mechines, heterotype cold bending forming mechines etc.. At present, in the light of market development, we have been produce technique mature ball bearing slides and machines besides also established a professional technical team, specialized in designed and manufacture kinds of modern dining table as extension dining tables and lifting falling dining tables. Ruisheng was founded in 1988 and located in the center of Lishui,Foshan city , where adjacent to m 會員信息