型號: | Hydrid III 50% |
品牌: | SINE |
原產地: | 中國 |
類別: | 電子、電力 / 儀器、儀表 / 實驗儀器裝置 |
標籤︰ | 假人 , 首美假人 , 首美 |
單價: |
最少訂量: | 1 件 |
即時通訊: | 最後上線︰2024/02/06 |
混三 50分位男性假人
Hydrid III 50%假人,由頭部、頸部、胸部、上肢、髖骨、下肢、腳部以及各種形式的連接機構組成,包含近400個部件和約60個傳感器。其中傳感器包括:加速度、角和速度、力、彎矩和位移傳感器等,用來測取碰撞中各部位的損傷情況。
本公司常年現貨供應Hydrid III 50%假人及其零部件,完全替代同類進口產品。
Crash Test Dummies/碰撞假人分類
Frontal Impact汽車正面碰撞
o THOR-50M
o HIII-50M
o HIII-95M
o HII-50M
o ECE-R16
Side Impact汽車側面碰撞
Rear Impact汽車後面碰撞
Aerospace & Military航天&軍事
ATD Lead Disclosure碰撞模擬實驗假人裝置
Crash Test Dummies ? Frontal Impact ? Hybrid III 50th Male成年男-立姿/坐姿碰撞
Available Product Lines可用產品
ATD Assembly /ATD裝配
o 78051-218-H
ATD Assembly with Ball Slider Knees/ATD裝配帶有球型滑動膝蓋
o 78051-218-BKS-H
The Hybrid III 50th Percentile Male Crash Test Dummy is the most widely used crash test dummy in the world for the evaluation of automotive safety restraint systems in frontal crash testing. Originally developed by General Motors, those Hybrid III 50th design is now maintained and developed by TIT Inc.in conjunction with the Society of Automotive Engineers' (SAE) Biomechanics Committees and the National Highway Transport and Safety Administration (NHTSA). The dummy is a regulated test device in the USA Code of Federal Regulations (Part 572, Subpart E) and also in the European ECE Regulations. It is considered to have excellent biofidelity and instrumentation capability. Recent revisions have improved the biofidelity in the femur range of motion and the ankle and foot. The dummy can also be used in many non-automotive applications such as wheelchairs and medical and sport equipment.
Dummy Features假人功能
Head and Neck頭部和頸部
The skull and skull cap are one piece cast aluminum parts with removable vinyl skins. The neck is a segmented rubber and aluminum construction with a center cable. It accurately simulates the human dynamic moment/rotation flexion and extension response.
Upper Torso上軀幹
The rib cage is represented by six high strength steel ribs with polymer based damping material to simulate human chest force-deflection characteristics. Each rib unit comprises left and right anatomical ribs in one continuous part open at the sternum and anchored to the back of the thoracic spine.
A sternum assembly connects to the front of the ribs and includes a slider for the chest deflection rotary potentiometer. The angle between the neck and upper torso is determined by the construction of the neck bracket which can incorporate a six-axis neck transducer. A two-piece aluminum clavicle and clavicle link assemblies have cast integral scapulae to interface with shoulder belts.
Lower Torso/下軀幹
A curved cylindrical rubber lumbar spine mounts provides human-like slouch of a seated person and mounts to the pelvis through an optional three axis lumbar load cell. The pelvis is a vinyl skin/urethane foam molded over an aluminum casting in the seated position. The ball-jointed femur attachments carry bump stops to reproduce the human leg to hip moment/rotation characteristics. The femur, tibia and ankle can be instrumented to predict bone fracture and the knee can evaluate tibia to femur ligament injury. The foot and ankle simulates heel compression and ankle range of motion.
Technical Specifications技術規格
產品名稱 |
技術參數 |
立姿碰撞試驗假人 |
假人:包括頭部、頸部、帶有胸部皮膚(或者無需皮膚)的上軀幹、下軀幹、大腿(左右側)、小腿(左右側,包括腳)、上臂(左右側)、下臂(左右側,包括手)等組件。 |
假人可以保持站立姿態。 |
各組件尺寸與50***位成年男性基本一致: 立姿高度:1750±10mm 坐姿高度:883.9±5.1mm |
各組件物理質量分布與50***位成年男性基本一致,總重量77.65±1.18Kg。 |
採用鋁制頭骨、銅接頭和鋼骨架部件。 |
頸部、腰椎為橡膠材質。 |
胸部配有仿***膚。 |
各部位預留傳感器安裝位置及走線空間。 |
傳感器 |
傳感器(定做,國產進口) 假人本體安裝的傳感器的種類與數量: 頭部:加速度傳感器 3個 胸部:加速度傳感器 3個 上頸部:六軸力傳感器 1個 下頸部:六軸力傳感器 1個 胸部:位移傳感器 1個 腰椎:六軸力傳感器 1個 |
頭部和胸部加速度傳感器:量程:2000g |
靈敏度:0.15mV/g |
激勵電壓:2~10VDC |
頻響:0~5kHz(±1/2dB) |
非線性誤差:±1%FS |
上頸部六軸力傳感器: 測量方向:Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz |
量程:9kN(Fx,Fy),13kN(Fz),280N?m(Mx,My,Mz) |
激勵電壓:2~15VDC |
非線性誤差:<1% |
遲滯誤差:<1% |
下頸部六軸力傳感器: 測量方向:Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz |
量程:13.3kN(Fx,Fy),13.4kN(Fz),454.6N?m(Mx),455.3N?m(My),453.7N?m(Mz) |
激勵電壓:2.5~15VDC |
非線性誤差:<1% |
遲滯誤差:<1% |
胸部位移傳感器:量程:≥75mm |
靈敏度:1.0802mv/v/mm |
供電電壓:5VDC |
遲滯:<1% |
非線性誤差:<2% |
腰椎六軸力傳感器: 測量方向:Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz |
量程:15.08kN(Fx),15.08kN(Fy),20.1kN(Fz),602.7N?m(Mx),602.0N |
激勵電壓:2.5~15VDC |
非線性誤差:<1% |
遲滯誤差:<1% |
所有傳感器滿足SAE J211/1的要求。 |
每個傳感器配有10m信號電纜。 |
所有傳感器須提供第三方計量機構出具的計量報告。 |
負責傳感器的計量以及傳感器在假人本體上的安裝調試工作。 |